Young model farmers take on irrigationto manage drought

Young model farmers take on irrigation to manage drought
By Charlotte Taremwa (CEGED) 
Benard Apirio is a 26 year-old a resident of Yure-kijoro, Ayivuni sub county Arua district. As a primary seven drop-out,he has been a farmer since 2000. When Youth Employ-ability through Enterprise and Skills development (YES) was introduced in his village, he expressed interest.
 “I was tired of making losses because of the climate changes. I dint know anything about improved seeds but now I have learnt and I am harvesting big.”

The project inspectors trained youth in improved agronomic practices (farming as a business and saving for enterprise development.) These farmers have been supported with start-up capital, seeds and pesticides.

 The previous tomatoes season in 2016 Berald and his group members had a fruitless harvest because of the drought which hit the northern Uganda terribly. This triggered the team to establish 2 irrigation demonstrations composing of a runoff pond of 6*4.5*1.5m of 30m3 capacity and a 500m2 of irrigation demonstration of which Benard is a beneficially among other rural youth that are taking up Agriculture to fight poverty.

“.....I am using harvested water is in periods of rainfall scarcity to supplement the crop water requirements. I am very grateful to the YES project for the irrigation demonstration since I do not have to go to the wetland and I was able to water my seedlings when other farmers were waiting for rainfall.” Benard

Sunday, another young model farmer from Ayivuni sub-county says, “.....I am grateful for the YES project. With this harvested water I was able to irrigate my nursery beds when there was scarcity of water”
 Ayivuni is located near the Uganda- Congo boarder so the youth have ready market for their produce.
 Among the 600 rural youth beneficiaries of the (YES), Berald has yielded big from farming by irrigation methods. He has been able to buy a motorcycle from his savings which has eased transportation of his products.
 CEGED in partnership with SNV and AFARD, funded by the European Union appreciates the youths for taking the YES project crucial and delights in seeing employability possible in the fight against poverty in the West Nile region.

(Benard at his Tomatoe garden. on ground,small black pipes connected on the buckets transport the water for irrigation.)


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